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High Quality Products by Industry Experts

About Us

About Us

Advanced Chemical Sensors (ACS) was founded in 1976 by Laurence D. Locker, (Ph.D., MIT) to develop better methods to measure employee exposure to toxic vapors that U.S. occupational safety laws regulate. The goal was improved occupational health so that employees didn’t develop health conditions in the short term or long term because of the exposure.

Before, a mechanical pump was used to collect air samples, so the air could be evaluated. Unfortunately, the pump was very taxing to operate, and this left a lot of room for user error.

Fortunately, a passive monitoring technique was developed that ended the need for the pump. This technique involved using a solid adsorbent with a porous membrane between it and the air. The adsorbent acts like a pump without all the moving parts. Not only does this make the process of monitoring the air easier, it is less expensive.

In 1982, Dr. Locker received a U.S. patent for this technique. A Japanese patent followed in 2001.

ACS in Many Applications

For over 40 years, ACS products have been used in a wide range of applications. Through air monitoring in healthcare facilities, homes, government agencies, and industrial corporations, OSHA compliance has become easier, indoor air quality has improved, and chemical exposure has been lessened. ACS has achieved this in the U.S., Europe, South America, and the Far East.

We offer many types of chemical monitoring badges so that employees are completely aware of personal exposure.

  • The cost is low.
  • There is no training required to learn how to use a badge.
  • The badge doesn’t get in the way while performing work duties.

Expose the badge to the air, record the start and stop times, and return the badge to be analyzed by our accredited laboratory. The turnaround time is only 48 to 72 after we receive the samples.


The ACS laboratory has been accredited by the American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Programs, LLC (AIHA-LAP, LLC), as well as the New York State Health Department for the Environmental Laboratory Approval Program (NYS-DOH ELAP).

We are also ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accredited .

Advanced Chemical Sensors’ products are available in the U.S., South America, Europe and several locations in the Far East.

The ACS laboratory has been accredited by American Industrial Hygiene Association Laboratory Accreditation Programs, LLC (AIHA-LAP, LLC) and by the New York State health Department for the Environmental Laboratory Approval Program.

We offer many types of chemical monitoring badges. Please contact us, if you need to monitor chemicals that are not listed on our website.