Occupational Exposure
ACS monitoring badge is the most cost effective monitoring solution for health care workers or industrial factory workers who work in environments where there is an occupational risk of exposure to harmful chemicals.
- Same badge for 15 minute (STEL) or 8 hour sampling (TWA).
- All inclusive Price for Badge, Analysis and Report
- Report by Phone, Fax or email — Original report by mail.
- Meets OSHA and NIOSH Accuracy Requirements.
- Validated Analytical Methods
- AIHA-LAP, LLC and New York ELAP Accredited Laboratory-Fully Reviewed QA/QC Procedures
- ACS Vapor Monitors have been used for 30 years in US and many foreign countries.
How it works:
The ACS badge sampling involves no liquid and mechanical pumps. Workers can clip the badge near the breathing zone to measure personal exposure or place it in a room to measure area concentration. Record stop time and end time. Mail the badge to ACS Lab in the envelope provided. The analysis reports are available within 48 hours after the samples have been received.
Monitoring Protocol
Periodic monitoring of personnel and room concentration is recommended to monitor workers who are exposed to harmful chemicals.
The general OSHA protocol for personal exposure monitoring is to do two tests more than one week apart. If both results are low, then periodic testing should be done at intervals no more than one year apart. In a one-year period each person who is exposed to the chemical as a regular part of their job should be tested.
We offer many types of monitoring badges. If you need to monitor chemicals that are not listed below, please contact us.
Here are some common vapor monitors used in health care facilities.
Acetic Acid Vapor Monitor (OV-005)
$60.00 Add to cart -
Chloroform Vapor Monitor (OV-30)
$60.00 Add to cart -
Collodion Vapor Monitor (OV-31)
$60.00 Add to cart -
Ethylene Oxide Vapor Monitor (E-50)
$60.00 Add to cart -
Formaldehyde Vapor Monitor (F-50)
$60.00 Add to cart -
Glutaraldehyde Vapor Monitor (G-10)
$60.00 Add to cart -
Halogenated Anesthetic Vapor Monitor (H-10-3)
$60.00 Add to cart -
Hydrogen Peroxide Vapor Monitor (HP-10)
$70.00 Add to cart -
Hydroquinone Vapor Monitor (OV-56)
$60.00 Add to cart -
Mercury Vapor Monitor (HG-10)
$70.00 Add to cart -
Methyl Methacrylate Vapor Monitor (M-10)
$60.00 Add to cart -
Nitrous Oxide Vapor Monitor (N-10)
$60.00 Add to cart